Asbestos surveys play a critical role in safeguarding the health of both occupants and workers within a building. Asbestos, once widely used for its fire-resistant properties, has been identified as a significant health hazard. Prolonged exposure to asbestos fibers can lead to severe respiratory diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.
The primary purpose of an asbestos survey is to locate and identify any materials containing asbestos within a building before any construction or renovation work begins. When disturbed during construction activities, asbestos releases tiny particles into the air that can be easily inhaled by individuals present on the site. Therefore, it’s crucial to identify these materials beforehand to ensure they are handled appropriately.
A professional asbestos testing near me survey involves thorough inspection of all areas of a building including walls, ceilings, floors and other structural elements where asbestos may have been used during original construction. Samples are taken from suspected materials and sent to an accredited laboratory for testing.
Once confirmed that there’s presence of asbestos-containing material (ACM), appropriate steps are taken to manage or remove it safely. If left undisturbed and in good condition, ACMs don’t pose immediate danger; hence they can be managed in place with regular monitoring for deterioration. However, if the ACMs are damaged or likely to be disturbed due to proposed works, then safe removal by licensed professionals is necessary.
An effective management plan following an asbestos survey helps protect occupants from inadvertent exposure which could occur through normal occupancy or maintenance activities like drilling into walls or replacing ceiling tiles. For workers involved in refurbishment or demolition works, surveys provide vital information about location and type of ACMs present on site so they can take necessary precautions while working.
By law under The Control Of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012) UK employers must protect their employees from risks associated with exposure to asbestos at work; failure could result in heavy fines or even imprisonment. Hence conducting regular surveys not only protects workers and occupants, but also helps building owners comply with legal requirements.
In conclusion, asbestos surveys are an essential tool in the fight against asbestos-related diseases. They provide a roadmap for managing or removing hazardous materials safely thus protecting the health of those who live or work within the building. By identifying potential risks before they become a problem, these surveys help ensure that buildings remain safe places to live and work while also protecting property owners from potential liability issues down the line.
Supernova Asbestos Surveys
Hampstead House, 176 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6BT
0204 586 0680